Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Black leather ruffles make quite the kerfuffles




And that last dangly leather bit?  Is it necessary?

Cool designs

I don't even know what those laser-cut designs are called but they're styling!

lipstick it where the sun don't shine

Can you change the shades of lipstick so that you can match different shades of real lipstick that you're wearing or different outfits?  Does thinking of that undermine my claims to heterosexuality?

Thursday, December 23, 2010

So I just got a kindle and I’m going buck wild on downloading free books.  Because it’s free.  So there is no marginal cost.  Which is awesome.  

Anyway, I needed to share some of the gems I found free for download…


 Something chocolatey about these shoes.  Also the buckle is a nice touch.  You could put an LCD touch screen on there.  Like an iPod touch.

This chick designs some provocative shoes - http://zuzanaserbak.blogspot.com/

Little Mermaid

I feel like these were made out of endangered sea horses.  Or maybe Ariel from Little Mermaid would wear these when she wanted to slut around town a bit…but it would be awkward because she has no feet.  Besides which, would the prince respect her if she were all trampy?

Flipping the bird

ice cream

OMG OMG My thighs say NO but my mouth says YES


Fishnets for your feet


It’s like a raspberry filling for the soles of your feet


It’s like caramel for your feet

One cute ribbon...also the kahki color is called "bone" which is funny

On pagers...

Clarissa owned a pager when she was in middle school… Ashok had shorts with elastic waist bands.

This is what C-Hwang is doing at this very moment

kicking ass and taking names -    
Phrase used in reference to someone or something that is having multiple successes in succession. kicking ass - Kicking someone or something’s ass, beating, defeating an opponent at a task. taking names - Recording a list of future contestants who will have also be beaten or defeated in the defined task.

A blog dedicated to pets with casts on…Ever so cute

Awesome tea set

Awesome ray gun pen

Awesome chair

purse hook

Dude, if I had a purse I'd want this right here